Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bernina WeAllSew Fabric Design Contest

YES...I am at it again.  I am entering another fabric design contest, and I need your help.  This contest is the Bernina WeAllSew Fabric Design Contest.  You can read about it by clicking on the link.  I am entering 10 of my designs in the contest.  Winners will be chosen based on the number of repins from the BerninaWeAllSew Fabric Design Contest Entries Pinterest board.  This is where I will need your help!  Please repin my designs to your boards if you feel I deserve a WIN!  I would LOVE your vote!!  Thank you so much!!  Please remember the repins have to come directly from the Bernina WeAllSew Fabric Design Contest Entries Pinterest Board and not my blog to be counted.  You can click on the picture below to be directed to their page.  My designs should be posted to their page within 24 hours. Thanks again!

In the Geo Moment

Just a little fun with lines.  Still feeling a bit geometric.  Probably has something to do with the thought of more SNOW....having trouble visualizing flowers when the threat of more SNOW is looming.  UGH!  I would like some warm weather now...pretty pretty PLEASE!!!  :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fabric Collections...Oh YAY!!

Fabric Collections....oh how I LOVE FABRIC COLLECTIONS!!  I love to see how designers combine common...or not so common elements and themes, and unite them with color into a collection.  Recently, I have been trying to concentrate much of my energy on developing my portfolio.  I am trying to sort through the pages and pages of drawings and doodles in my sketchbook, and start to assemble the designs into collections.  Here are two of the collections that I am currently working on.  I have several more designs to incorporate into each collection, but at least it is a pretty good start.  I have so much fun finding just the right colors for each design and watching the collections come together!  Enjoy!  :)